Increase Cash Flow With Automated Invoices and Payments From Invopoint

Oct 19, 202324 mins read

Invoicing is a time sink for many SMBs. But by using a tailored automation platform like Invopoint, you can free up hours to focus on growing your business. With capabilities scaled for early-stage startups andestablished small businesses alike, it's easy to streamline your workflows. Sign up for a free trial today and simplify invoicing for your US or European business.

Running a small or medium-sized business involves juggling many tasks, and invoicing clients can take up a surprising amount of time. Between creating customized invoices, sending reminder emails, reconciling payments, and generating reports, business owners can get bogged down with administrative work. That's why automating your invoicing and payment processes with a platform like Invopoint can help boost efficiency and cash flow.



Overview of Invopoint's All-In-One Invoicing and Payment Solution

Invopoint provides a streamlined platform designed specifically for SMBs in the US and Europe to simplify invoicing, payment collection, and financial reporting. Instead of cobbling together different apps, you can manage everything in one place. Here's an overview of Invopoint's key features:

  • Automated Invoice Creation
  • Recurring Invoices
  • Multi-Channel Invoice Delivery
  • Online Payments
  • Payment Tracking
  • Financial Reporting
  • Sales Tax Management
  • Mobile Access

With Invopoint, you save time on administrative tasks and get paid faster, allowing you to focus on growing your business. And with unlimited invoices and full functionality even at the lowest pricing tier, it's accessible for early-stage startups and smaller businesses.

Key Benefits of Automated Invoicing

Here are some of the top ways that automating your invoicing can benefit your SMB:

  1. Increased Efficiency
  2. Improved Cash Flow
  3. Reduced Human Error
  4. Better Financial Insights
  5. Increased Professionalism
  6. Anytime, Anywhere Access

Switching to automated tools like Invopoint frees up your time and gives you peace of mind that you’ll get paid accurately and on time.

How Invopoint Helps Specific Business Functions

Depending on your role within your SMB, Invopoint can help you in different ways:

For Business Owners

As a business owner, you need financial insights to guide strategic decisions. With Invopoint, you gain an accurate picture of accounts receivable, sales, profitability, and other metrics in easy-to-use reports. Recurring revenue visibility also helps you predict cash flow.

For Sales Staff

Sales teams can easily create customized invoices for clients after deals close. Bulk invoicing for recurring charges is simple. And with online access, customers can download invoices without sales follow-up.

For Accounting Staff

Automated reconciliation of payments to invoices saves accounting work. Automatic sales tax calculations prevent errors. And easy exporting of data simplifies integration with accounting software.

For Admins and Office Managers

Sending customized invoices at scale and automating follow-ups removes administrative hassles. Staff save time while providing a professional customer experience.

With unified invoicing and payment processes, every role can work more efficiently. Staff hours are used more effectively, benefiting your bottom line.

Top Features and Tools

Here is a deeper look at some of Invopoint's key features and tools for automating SMB invoicing:

Custom Invoice Templates

Tailor invoice templates to match your brand identity in a few clicks. Include your logo, colors, fonts, and customize fields like item descriptions, quantities, rates, and more.

Bulk and Recurring Invoices

Speed up billing for regular clients with tools to generate multiple invoices or set up recurring invoices on a preset schedule. Never forget monthly retainers or subscription renewals again.

Payment Reminders

Auto-send email reminders when invoices are coming due or overdue. This polite nudge helps improve on-time payments so you get paid faster.

Credit Card and Online Payments

Through integrations with leading payment gateways, easily accept credit card, ACH or PayPal payments online. Customers can pay straight from emailed invoice links for faster collections.

Partial and Installment Payments

Allow customers to pay invoices in multiple installments over time. Automatically apply payments correctly and keep payment plans organized.

Sales Tax Management

Built-in sales tax rates for the US and Europe auto-calculate local taxes on invoices based on customer location. Rates stay up-to-date, preventing tax-related errors.

Mobile Apps

Native iOS and Android apps enable managing invoices and payments on the go. You can approve invoices, check statuses, and view reporting on any mobile device.

API and Accounting Integrations

Easily connect Invopoint to popular small business accounting platforms like QuickBooks, Xero, and more. The API also allows custom integrations with CRMs or other software.

Detailed Reporting

Get real-time insights into receivables, sales, profits, and other metrics through dashboard snapshots and drill-down reports. Export or schedule reports for personalized insights.

By leveraging tools tailored to streamline SMB billing workflows, Invopoint saves you time while providing a polished experience for customers.

How Invopoint Stacks Up to Alternatives

Compared to other invoicing apps or tackling invoicing manually, how does Invopoint compare? Here are some key advantages:

Vs. Spreadsheets

  • Fully automates workflows instead of manual data entry
  • Avoid errors that delay payments
  • Professional branding and design
  • Tools like bulk/recurring invoices, reminders

Vs. QuickBooks Invoicing

  • Specialized for SMBs, simpler to use
  • Lower pricing tiers fit early-stage businesses
  • Built for invoicing automation, not just accounting
  • Online payments, reminders, mobile access

Vs. PayPal Invoicing

  • More invoice customization and e-delivery options
  • Sales tax automation for US and Europe
  • Better reporting insights beyond payments
  • Accounting and CRM integrations

Vs. Other Invoicing Apps

  • All-in-one platform, not just invoicing
  • Scales from startup to growing SMB needs
  • Intuitive interface, faster to learn
  • US and European sales tax built-in
  • Mobile access across iOS and Android

With an end-to-end invoicing and payment automation solution tailored to SMBs, Invopoint provides a streamlined platform that saves you time and resources compared to alternatives.

Pricing Made for Growing SMBs

Invopoint offers value and flexibility with straightforward pricing plans suitable for any stage small business:


  • $5/mo
  • 50 invoices/month
  • 5 user
  • All features

Small Business

  • $15/mo
  • 250 invoices/year
  • 10 users
  • All features

Medium Business

  • $25/mo
  • Unlimited invoices
  • 25 users
  • All features


  • Custom pricing
  • Advanced reporting
  • Multi-organization access
  • API access
  • Dedicated support

With no tricky limitations on key features, even the Starter plan provides complete invoicing capabilities on a budget. As your business scales, upgrading plans is easy.

Bulk pricing discounts are also available for larger organizations with 100+ invoices per month.

Get Started With a Free Trial

Ready to start automating your invoicing and get paid faster? Invopoint makes it easy to try the platform risk-free:

  1. Step 1) Sign up for a free 14-day trial - no credit card required
  2. Step 2) Create customized invoices in minutes with your own branding
  3. Step 3) Send, track, and get paid online faster
  4. Step 4) Evaluate advanced features and integrations
  5. Step 5) Subscribe to the plan that fits your business needs

Visit today to start your free trial and streamline invoicing for your SMB. The simple set-up means you can be up and running in no time.

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