Automating B2B Commerce: The Impact of Invoice Processing Software on eCommerce Platforms

Nov 13, 202321 mins read

Learn how automating invoice processing with software like Invopoint can streamline operations and boost productivity for B2B ecommerce businesses.

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For B2B ecommerce businesses, invoice processing is a crucial yet often tedious task. Manual data entry, spreadsheet management, and tracking payments across multiple systems leads to wasted time and potential errors. However, automating invoice workflows with software like Invopoint can transform these pain points into opportunities to boost productivity and streamline operations.

The Challenges of Manual Invoice Processing

Many businesses still rely on manual invoice generation and tracking using Excel spreadsheets or paper forms. But this approach has several downsides:

  • Time-consuming data entry and organization of invoices
  • Difficulty keeping track of payments and outstanding invoices
  • Lack of collaboration features for shared access
  • Risk of calculation errors and data discrepancies
  • No automation of routine tasks like sending payment reminders

As a business grows and invoice volume increases, these inefficiencies add up to major productivity drains. Employees spend more time on repetitive administrative work and less time on revenue-generating tasks. Without a streamlined invoicing system, basic operations don't scale efficiently.

Key Benefits of Invoice Processing Software

Invopoint and other invoicing platforms resolve these challenges through automation and seamless integration. Here are some of the biggest benefits for B2B ecommerce merchants:

1. Smoother Invoice Creation

With invoice templates and automated population of billing details, creating professional invoices takes just minutes instead of hours. Data flows directly from order forms and accounting systems into customized invoice formats. Sales, customer info, prices, discounts, and other details pre-populate for accuracy.

2. Organized Tracking & Reporting

Cloud-based software centralizes invoice data and payment tracking in one place for easy monitoring and reporting. At-a-glance dashboards show outstanding invoices, receivables, and payment timelines. Powerful filters allow drilling down into details for reconciliation and audits.

3. Multi-Channel Invoice Delivery

Electronic invoice distribution replaces time-intensive printing, mailing, and manual follow-up. Invoices can be emailed directly to customers or posted on branded client portals for on-demand access. Payments can also be accepted online, eliminating paperwork.

4. Automated Workflows

Workflows like sending automated payment reminders and late notices free up employees from routine tasks. Approval workflows with role-based permissions also optimize internal processes with rule-based routing of invoices.

5. Mobile Access

Cloud platforms enable employees to create, view, and manage invoices from any device. Sales reps can send invoices on-the-go after client meetings. Accounting can monitor activity anytime, anywhere.

6. Seamless Accounting Integrations

Top platforms offer pre-built connectors to popular accounting software like QuickBooks and Sage. This allows seamless Purchases management and synchronization of invoice and payment data, avoiding double entry.

7. Custom Branding and Billing

Invoicing platforms make it easy to build customized, branded invoices that reflect your unique business identity. Apply specific templates, payment terms, discounts and messaging for each client or Categories for a tailored experience.

8. Secure Storage and Access

Leading software providers leverage top security protocols and data encryption to keep invoice data protected. Role-based permissions allow control over internal access while still enabling collaboration.

Specialized Capabilities for B2B

While B2C and B2B both benefit from invoice automation, some software providers offer specialized features to meet the unique needs of B2B ecommerce. These include:

Volume Pricing and Discounts

Volume discounting based on order thresholds, negotiated client rates, and other flexible options tailored for business clients.

Net Payment Terms

Net payment terms, extending due dates, and installment payment options commonly expected by B2B clients.

Advanced Tax Tools

Robust tax management covering multi-location VAT compliance, international rules, and exemptions for wholesale trade.

Approval Workflows

Invoice approval chains for compliance with internal procurement policies and Tax regulations.

CRM Integration

Syncing invoice and order data with CRM platforms like Salesforce for centralized business analytics.

Is It Time to Automate Your Invoice Processing?

If your business is still relying on spreadsheets and manual processes to manage invoices, it's worth exploring software to automate these workflows. The right platform can deliver significant time and cost savings while enabling growth and scalability.

To determine if your business is ready, ask these key questions:

  • Are employees spending excessive time on manual invoice tasks?
  • Is our invoicing process prone to errors and delays?
  • Are we struggling to keep track of outstanding/paid invoices?
  • Is invoice data disconnected from our accounting system?
  • Are we missing out on more strategic priorities due to admin workload?

If you answered "yes" to any of these, invoice automation is likely to drive major benefits. Leading solutions like Invopoint make it easy to get started with pre-built integrations, implementation support, and simple per-transaction pricing. The platform handles the tedious tasks so you can focus on business growth and customer satisfaction.

Some additional signs your business is ready for invoicing automation:

  • Invoice volume exceeds 10-20 per month
  • Revenue growth is constrained by operational capacity
  • Employees frequently work overtime to manage invoicing
  • Double entry is required between invoices and accounting system
  • Sales team lacks flexibility to send quick invoice follow-ups

To learn more about Invopoint and modernizing your invoice processing, visit today. Powerful automation and analytics are just a few clicks away.

About Invopoint

Invopoint helps SMBs simplify B2B commerce with all-in-one invoicing, payments and financial management. Their user-friendly platform streamlines invoice creation, tracking, billing and reporting so you can get paid faster and eliminate inefficiencies. With API connections across top accounting software, CRMs and payment gateways, Invopoint seamlessly centralizes key financial data to run a smarter, more productive business. Learn more at

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