Benefits of Switching Your Invoicing From Excel to Invopoint

Oct 26, 202321 mins read

Switch from spreadsheet headaches to efficient online invoicing with Invopoint. Automate workflows, accept payments, integrate accounting - the ideal SMB solution.


If you're like many small to medium-sized businesses, you've likely been using Excel spreadsheets to create, track, and manage your invoices. Excel seems like an easy, free solution for invoicing, especially when you're just starting out.

However, as your business grows, relying solely on Excel for invoicing can become extremely problematic. Switching to dedicated invoicing software like Invopoint can simplify and streamline your invoicing process.

The Downsides of Excel Invoicing

At first glance, Excel invoicing has some appealing perks:

  • Excel is easy to use and set up for basic invoicing needs.
  • Most people already have access to Excel.
  • Templates for invoices can be found online.

However, there are some significant downsides to only using spreadsheets:

  • Spreadsheet invoicing lacks automation and doesn't easily scale. Everything has to be done manually.
  • There's no centralized database for tracking invoices. Finding past invoices can be a nightmare.
  • Excel templates get messy with lots of revisions and lack consistency.
  • It's difficult to customize branding and add key details to invoices.
  • Minimal invoice security and backup options. Data loss is common.
  • No automated payment reminders or tracking. You have to stay on top of collections manually.
  • Harder to track taxes properly or generate accounting reports.

As your business grows, trying to rely on spreadsheets for all your invoicing needs quickly becomes extremely cumbersome and prone to errors.

Why Specialized Invoicing Software Is Better

Switching from makeshift Excel spreadsheets to dedicated software like Invopoint can make your invoicing process far more efficient. Here are some of the key advantages:

Automation Saves Time

Invoicing software automates nearly the entire invoicing workflow. Everything from creating and sending invoices to collecting payments can be streamlined.

You can setup repeating invoices for recurring customers and even allow customers to pay invoices online. This automation eliminates the need for manual invoicing busywork month after month.

Centralized Tracking and Reporting

With Excel, tracking down a past invoice or generating accounting reports usually requires digging through cluttered folders. Invoicing systems act as a central database for all your invoice data.

You can instantly look up any past invoice, see at a glance what has been paid or not, and pull detailed reports on your invoicing. This makes staying organized effortless.

Consistent, Professional Branding

Excel templates tend to look messy after constant tweaking. Invoicing software allows you to completely customize branded invoice templates that remain consistent.

Your invoices will look clean and professional every time, strengthening your business image. You can also configure tax settings and add key details like payment terms to your templates.

Enhanced Security

Between data entry errors and file corruption, Excel does not provide adequate data protection. Cloud-based invoicing platforms keep your data backed up and secure.

You don't have to worry about accidental data loss wiping out important customer invoice records and details. Some software also allows restricting employee access for added security.

Accept Payments Online

Chasing down invoice payments is one of the biggest headaches with Excel. Invoicing systems allow you to easily accept credit card, PayPal, and bank payments directly through your online invoices.

Plus, you can setup automatic payment reminders instead of having to manually reach out to customers about late invoices. Online payments and automation significantly improve your cash flow.

Why Invopoint is the Best Invoicing Solution

When comparing your invoicing software options, Invopoint stands out as the top choice, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. Here's why:

Made for SMBs

Many invoicing platforms cater primarily to huge enterprises with complex needs. Invopoint focuses its solution explicitly on core SMB needs for simplicity, automation, and affordability.

Smooth Cloud-Based Platform

Invopoint utilizes an intuitive cloud-based platform accessible from anywhere. All you need is an internet connection to send invoices and manage your account from any device.

Easy Multi-Channel Invoicing

Easily send invoices through your Invopoint account via email, mail, or even text. Customers can conveniently pay invoices directly through the online links.

Robust Accounting Integrations

Invopoint connects with accounting software like QuickBooks and Xero for seamless financial tracking. Data flows between your accounting and invoicing without manual entry.

World-Class Customer Support

Many SMBs rely on Excel because online platforms seem confusing. With Invopoint, you get 24/7 live chat and email support to help guide you.

Affordable Pricing

Invoicing platforms are useless if they aren't affordable. Invopoint charges just $15 a month for their starter plan, an incredible value for the features and automation provided.

Optimized for Any Business Size

Invopoint scales beautifully whether you have 5 customers or 500 customers. Start with the basic plan and upgrade as you grow - Invopoint easily adapts to your evolving needs.

For small and medium-sized businesses looking to modernize their invoicing process, the combination of simplicity, affordability, and top-notch features makes Invopoint the ideal solution.

Start Simplifying Your Invoicing Today

If you're still relying on Excel spreadsheets for your business invoicing, it's time for an upgrade. The headaches and limitations will only grow as your company expands.

Switching to Invopoint provides these key benefits:

  • Fully automated invoicing workflows
  • Centralized tracking and instant lookup of all invoices
  • Custom branding and professional templates
  • Complete data protection and security
  • Online invoice payment acceptance
  • Seamless accounting software integrations
  • Affordable pricing scaled for SMBs
  • World-class customer support

Sign up today for your free trial of Invopoint to see firsthand how much it will improve and simplify your invoicing. You have nothing to lose! The time saved and headaches prevented will quickly offset the minor costs.

Act now and make smart invoicing with Invopoint the latest upgrade you make to scale your business to new heights.

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